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张秀 校聘教授
2020-06-30 19:40 admin 



E-mail: zhang210@126.com  


张秀,副教授,硕士生导师。201310于香港理工大学电机工程系获博士学位20152月于香港理工大学电机工程学系完成博士后研究工作。20151月起,任职于BetWay·必威半导体股份有限公司。目前主要从事无线能量传输、系统的设计及优化等方向的研究,主持国家自然科学基金项目青年项目一项,主持天津市应用基础计划项目面上项目一项,参与国家自然科学基金项目3项,发表相关论文50篇,其中SCI收录近40篇。任IEEE Transaction on MagneticsCompumagIntermag等国际学术期刊及学术会议的评审专家。  




[1] Xiu Zhang, X. Zhang, W. N. Fu, Fast Numerical Method forComputing Resonant Characteristics of Electromagnetic Devices based on FiniteElement Method, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol. 53, no. 6, June 2017. (SCI)            

[2] Xiu Zhang, X. Zhang, Cheng Gu,Amicro-artifical bee colony based multicast routing in vehicular ad hoc networks,Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 58, pp. 213-221, April 2017. (SCI)      

[3] Xiu Zhang, X. Zhang, Population adaptive differentialevolution based power allocation algorithm for cognitive radio networks, EURASIPJournal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Sep. 15, 2016. (SCI)      

[4] Xiu Zhang, X. Zhang, Optimal design andanalysis of the stepped core for wireless power transfer systems, MobileInformation Systems, February 2016, vol. 2016, article number 2624917. (SCI)  

[5] Xiu Zhang,S. L. Ho, and W. N. Fu, "Fast algorithm toobtain the torque characteristics with respect to load angle of synchronousmachines using finite element method," IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol.50, no. 11, pp. 1-4, Nov. 2014. (SCI)  

[6] Xiu Zhang,X. Zhang, S. L. Ho, and W. N. Fu, "Amodification of artificial bee colony algorithm applied to loudspeaker designproblem," IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 737-740, Feb.2014. (SCI)  

[7] Xiu Zhang, H. L. Li, S. L. Ho, and W. N. Fu, "A multi-slicefinite element model including distributive capacitances for wireless magneticresonant energy transfer systems with circular coils," IEEE Transaction onMagnetics, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1857-1860, May 2013. (SCI)  

[8] Xiu Zhang, H. L. Li, S. L. Ho, and W. N. Fu, "A hybridoptimal design strategy of wireless magnetic-resonant charger for deep brainstimulation devices," IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 5, pp.2145-2148, May 2013. (SCI)  

[9] Xiu Zhang, S. L. Ho, and W. N. Fu, "Quantitative designand analysis of relay resonators in wireless power transfer system," IEEETransaction on Magnetics, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 4026-4029, Nov. 2012. (SCI)  

[10] Xiu Zhang, Y. Zhao, S. L. Ho, and W. N. Fu, "Analysisof wireless power transfer system based on 3-D finite element method includingdisplacement current," IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol. 48, no. 11, pp.3692-3695, Nov. 2012. (SCI)  

[11] Xiu Zhang, S. L. Ho, and W. N. Fu, "Analysis andoptimization of magnetically coupled resonators for wireless powertransfer," IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 4511-4513,Nov. 2012. (SCI)  

[12] Xiu Zhang, S. L. Ho, and W. N. Fu,"Quantitative analysis of a wireless power transfer cell with planarspiral structures," IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol. 47, no. 10, pp.3200-3203, Oct. 2011. (SCI)  











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