尹昕,女,BetWay·必威半导体股份有限公司副教授,硕士生导师。2006年6月毕业于南开大学机器人与信息自动化研究所,控制理论与控制工程专业,获工学博士学位。2007年晋升副教授。2009年7月1日-12月31日,英国University of Dundee访问学者,从事微操作中细胞目标跟踪的研究工作。
[1] Danxian Ye,Xin Yin,Menghan Dong,Research on Vehicle Parking Aid System based on parking image enhancement,The 10th International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems,2021.8,LNEE 879, 74–82(EI20221712030922)
[2] Danxian Ye,Xin Yin,Menghan Dong,Research on the intelligent guidance system of empty parkingspaces based on Amap API and edge detection,The 10th International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems,2021.8,LNEE 879,217-226(EI20221712030920)
[3] Menghan Dong,Xin Yin,Research on Path Planning and Tracking of Automatic,The 10th International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, 2021.8,LNEE 879, .91–99(EI20221712030967)
[4] Xin Yin,Xiaoyang Xu,A Method for Improving Accuracy of DeepLabv3+ Semantic Segmentation Model Based on Wavelet Transform Parking,The 10th International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems,2021.8,LNEE 879, 315–320(EI20221712030896)
[5] Guonan Jiang,Xin Yin*,Menghan Dong. Research on an improvement of images haze removal algorithm based on Dark Channel Prior. The 9th International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, 2020.7:487-497(EI)
[6] Guonan Jiang,Xin Yin*,Jingyan Hu. Research on the human-vehicle recognition system based on deep learning fusion remove haze algorithm. The 9th International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, 2020.7:498-506(EI)
[7] Xin Yin*,JianWang,. Multi-target tracking based on YOLOv3 and Kalman filter.The 9th International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, 2020.7:905-911(EI)
[8] Xin Yin*,JianWang,Multi-target tracking based on YOLOv3 and Kalman filter.The 9th International Conference on Communications,Signal Processing, and Systems(CSPS), 2020.7:905-911
[9] Xin Yin,GuonanJiang, Research on an Automatic Tracking Strategy Based on CCD image Sensor in Micromanipulation,IEEEACCESS, vol.6,2018.12:76374-76380,SCI二区
[10] 尹昕,陈宸,基于MR-6的批量胚胎细胞运动的自动追踪算法,《betway必威学报(自然科学版)》,2018年06期,68-72
[11] 贺丽梅,尹昕*,刘晓倩,赵智伟, 基于商空间理论的海量生物信息多粒度表示方法,betway必威学报,2016(3):28-32
[12] Xin Yin*,Yaqiu Sun,Secureand Efficient Integration of Big Data for Multi-Cells Based on MicroImages,Security and Communication Networks:Special Issue: Security in Big Data,2015,8(14):2411-2415(SCI收录)
[13] Fan Lei,Xin Yin*,Research and development of wireless data value-added service system based on Java,The 3nd Internationa Conference on ommunications,Signal Processing,and Systems,Hohhot,2014.8 (EI收录)
[14] XinYin*,YaqiuSun,ShidongSong,XueyanMa, A Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Optical Transfer Functionand Normalized Cross Correlation,The 2nd International Conferenceon Communications,Signal Processing,and Systems,Tianjin,2013.9(EI收录)
[15]Xin Yin*,Cuiping Zhang,Shidong Song,Ningning Ma,Research on Target Identification Algorithmin Micromanipulation,The 2nd International Conference on ommunications,Signal Processing,and Systems,Tianjin,2013.9(EI收录)
[16] Yaqiu Sun, Xin Yin*,Optical Transfer Function-based Micro Image Enhancement Algorithm, IEEE International conference on communications(ICC’13),2013.6,Budapest, Hungary(EI收录)
[17] Xin Yin*,Ningning Ma,Study on the Automatic UnmannedAerial Vehicle Image Mosaic Algorithm,The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, Haerbin,China,2011.7: 624-628(EI20113914381588)
[18] Xin Yin*, Xin Wang, Study on the Automatic Multi-Cells Tracing Algorithm in a Sequence of Micro Images,2010 Chinese Control and Decision conference, Xuzhou,China,2010.5: 236-240 (EI2010321340323)
[19 ]Xin Yin,Xin Zhao,Guizhang Lu,A Study on the Scale Adjustment in Video Encoder in the Temporal Domain in Micro-manipulation,Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics,2008,9,Qingdao, China(EI:20084811743499)
[20] 尹昕,卢桂章,赵新。大范围多目标微操作的目标视觉跟踪实现策略。高技术通讯,2006, 16(2): 143-148(EI:06209882757)
[21] Xin Yin, Guizhang Lu, Xin Zhao. Wavelet-Based Local Reconstruction on the Object of Interest in the Wide Scope Micro-Manipulation, The 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA2006), Dalian, China, 2006, 9208-9211 (EI:071510544302)
[22] 尹昕,卢桂章,赵新,微操作中基于全局视野的显微视频反馈的解决方案,中南大学学报(自然科学版),2005, 36, S1: 320-324(EI:05399388225)
[23] Xin Yin,Guizhang Lu, Xin Zhao, Multi-targets fast orientationin wide scope micro-manipulation, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies 2005,Beijing,China, 2005, 1224-1227(EI:064310194884)
(1)姜国楠,尹昕,胡婧妍,一种新型的雾霾天出行智能手环,实用新型专利,ZL 202020335459.8,2021年4月30日
(5)基于全局视野的微操作复杂作业研究 (52LJ38),6万,2009.3-2013.6, 横项课题,负责人